According To The Democratic Party

(c) 2020 CQ/Roll Call

The Revolution will in fact be televised.

The Revolution will have an open enrollment period. 

The Revolution will be scheduled to accommodate the August recess.

The Revolution will not be passed under budget reconciliation rules per finding of the Senate Parliamentarian.

You will be able to Google search "Revolution near me" to find a convenient direct action.

You will be empowered to make informed choices about the Revolution that are right for you and your family.

The Revolution will incorporate feedback from focus groups of likely primary-election voters in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada.

The Revolution will be means-tested.

The Revolution will be subject to a deficit-reduction score from the Congressional Budget Office prior to final passage.

The Revolution will incentivize full-time, salaried employment.

The Revolution will require 60 votes in the Senate under a specially negotiated parliamentary rule that limits each side to three germane amendments.

Some provisions of the Revolution may be pre-empted by your employer if they cite a sincerely held religious belief.

The Revolution will require you to meet your deductible.

The Revolution will include increased funding for border security and immigration enforcement.

The Revolution will be organized in meetings that conflict with your child's bedtime.

Revolution leadership will have a median age of 79.

The Revolution will be accomplished through a combination of targeted public-private partnerships, block grants to state governments, and refundable tax credits.

Revenue-raising portions of the Revolution will be phased out after six years.

The Revolution will be narrowly tailored so as to survive the strict scrutiny of Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

The Revolution will not include student debt relief.

Writing in the New York Times, David Brooks will lament what the Revolution signifies for civility in a democratic society.

The Revolution is always just past the next election, even with a majority in both houses of Congress.

The Revolution is always just a handful of votes shy.
